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去年8月初買的,沒想到之後發生了很多意想不到事,也就一直擺著,是下面這一台,就coffee lab的老闆說這是舊版機器,磨盤和馬達是比較耐操好用的版本,於是我就跟著一起團購了.



Bodum Antigua Electric Coffee Grinder in Matt Chrome

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Bodum Antigua Electric Coffee Grinder in Matt Chrome BO-5671-57USA
With the Bodum Antigua Electric Coffee Grinder the coffee is cut rather than crushed, it is equipped with special gearing so as not to overheat the beans. The grinder can be adjusted from a coarse French press setting to a fine Italian espresso setting. Bodum's Antigua takes all kinds of roasts, from the very dark oily espressos to the lighter and dryer roasts of filter coffee. The Antigua is also provided with a timer-switch allowing you to grind any amount of coffee up to 8 cups at a time. Measuring 8 by 10.5 in. Finish: Matt Chrome. Click PLAY button below to view product demo.

Bodum Antigua Electric Coffee Grinder (Discontinued)

Bodum Antigua Electric Coffee Grinder (Discontinued)

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This item is backordered.
  • Returnable (see policy)
  • Factory New
  • 1 Year Limited Warranty
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Preventing coffee from loosing its characteristic taste and aroma is the essential element in grinding coffee. Bodum has spent a lot of time on research and cooperated with some of the world's most knowledgeable coffee specialist to create the Antigua. Using a burr grinder, such as you find in professional grinders at your coffee supplier, the coffee is cut rather than crushed. And by providing the Antigua with special Bodum developed gearing so as not to overheat the beans, we have made the true professional grinder coffee connoisseurs have been looking for.

Measuring 8 by 10.5 in, 20 by 27 cm, the Bodum design department has scaled this professional grinder down to the smallest possible size to fit in your kitchen. Although big enough for 1 pound of coffee beans!

The grinder can be adjusted from a coarse French press setting to a fine Italian espresso setting. Bodum's Antigua takes all kinds of roasts, from the very dark oily espressos to the lighter and dryer roasts of filter coffee. The Antigua is also provided with a timer-switch allowing you to grind any amount of coffee up to 8 cups at a time. By the way: We at Bodum believe that next to the quality of the coffee beans, the roast, the water and the coffee maker, a proper grinding is necessary to deliver the inexplicable taste and aroma of a sublime cup of coffee.

Model #: 5671-57USA



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昨天晚上不小心把妹妹的永泰興蜜餞都吃光了 ><

下午在小巨蛋看完國標大賽 逛完IKEA 只好拖著疲累的角度到台北的另一端找蜜餞行

晴 光蜜餞行


(老闆 這一包)

樹梅:不知道是什麼東西,但微澀的口感 再加上沒特別的香甜味,所以吃過就算

綠茶梅: 把我妹的全吃光了,所以............(老闆 這一包)

芒果糕: 這我就沒特別喜歡的印象了...吃過就算

梅粉芭樂: 恩就是梅粉芭樂該有的味道,但稍微"濕"一點,不會太乾 (老闆 這一包)

桑椹果: 老闆覺得我愛吃酸的,特別推薦......但酸的不討我喜歡...吃過就算

楊桃乾: 印象中這不錯.........但沒買

野生金秸: 外皮香,稍微咬破,酸酸涼涼甜甜的味道就迸出來......(老闆 這一包)


............................繼續試 繼續吃.......................


這時某人說,"你是吃了你妹多少東西阿!!!!!!!!" (呵 其實我也愛吃)





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